Water, Sanitation, and hygiene Service in action!

A Rotary e-club focused on global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH).

Rotary e-club

This Rotary E-Club of WASH offers Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) practitioners and their guests a relaxing space for fellowship, sharing real-world experiences, and education. Focusing our attention on WASH-related themes, we can dive deeper into the technical details of projects and larger scale programs aimed at cultivating healthier communities and watersheds. Our club was created to compliment larger WASH working groups such as the WASH Rotary Action Group (WaSH-RAG) and the WASH Cadre tasked by Rotary International with promoting more sustainable, cost-effective WASH community efforts worldwide (Rotary has 1.4 million members in more thatn 200 countries). In fact, the very first Rotary project was building the first public bathrooms in Chicago, USA in 1912(?) led by Rotary founder Paul Harris.

Why an E-Club?

Rotary e-clubs are now relatively common worldwide, utilizing virtual meeting space and social media to enable Rotarians to meet in fellowship and collaboration together toward common goals. Some e-clubs cover a broad, often rural geographic area, others are simply more convenient within urban areas; ours is a theme-based club extending around the globe.


Providing clean water is one of Rotary’s 7 areas of focus*, and it’s what we do. Many of our club members and guests are active professionals in the field, some are retired, others interested in how WASH fits into sustainable community development and agriculture. All care deeply about diverse peoples of the world restoring and making better use of natural resources.

* See https://www.rotary.org/en/our-causes/providing-clean-water