Clean water, hygiene and sanitation promotion in the community of Yumbe

The purpose of this project is to benefit twelve (12) villages with 18,000 people. The goal of this grant is to benefit the communities and demonstrate the impact of their services. The project will implement integrated water, hygiene, sanitation, and point of use filters to reduce diarrhea and increase community health among 18,000 Ugandans. Impact will be measured by decreased diarrheal incidence and expenses, increased income, and decreased absenteeism from school. We will survey the impact before and after and use case control analysis.

Like the Rotary Program of Scale, this project expands on a tested, proven model we have implemented in Yumbe and published in a book (“Eliminate Two Principal Causes of Child Illness and Death in Africa: Diarrhea and Malaria,” Hardcover – November 30, 2022, by Chris Roesel). The Yumbe Rotarians have donated time, travel, and expertise to lead these efforts. The partner nonprofit, P2P Inc., has donated over $60K cash, trips, and expertise. We have or are carrying out this process in six communities with the Rotary Club of Yumbe, a local non-profit (CCEDUC) headed by a Rotary Community Corps member, and an international non-profit headed by a Rotary Water Cadre, Chris Roesel.


  1. To benefit twelve (12) communities with 18,000 people in the district of Yumbe. 

  2. To provide clean water, hygiene, sanitation, and point of use filters to reduce diarrhea and increase community health among 18,000 people